The Motoring Enthusiast Website Launches!


Dear Enthusiasts of Motoring,

Today marks the launch of the website of The Motoring Enthusiast. It is the culmination not only of several months of work to design and build the site, but also years of thinking, experience, and enthusiasm for cars. I started it primarily for fun and for the experience, rather than for economic motivations. While I love the cars themselves, it is the social and cultural aspects that I find most satisfying. I have forged many great relationships in the context of cars, and look forward to continuing to do so in the future.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank the site’s developer, Andy Brewer of UpTrending (www.UpTrending.com), designer Bret Glassett (www.BretGlassett.com), and my Chief Technical Officer Paul Doersch for their tireless work, and for putting up with my sometimes inconvenient pursuit of perfection.

Not that the site is perfect. We’re still ironing out the bugs, but for me, the central tenet of The Motoring Enthusiast is quality, and I hope you all will agree.

Thanks for reading,

Derek Tam-Scott
Founder, The Motoring Enthusiast

2 Responses to “The Motoring Enthusiast Website Launches!”

  1. Roscoe C Kinard Jr. says:

    Keep up the good work!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks, will do!

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